
Hel­lo there!

Thanks for stop­ping by, and don’t mind the mess! We’ve been cook­ing up a storm today — shar­ing sto­ries, talk­ing about our spous­es, and just hav­ing a great time … Feel free to pull up a chair and join us. Can we get you a cup of coffee?

Bet­ter yet, we’d love to vis­it you to enter­tain at your fair or fes­ti­val, to help host your fundrais­er or cel­e­bra­tion, or to be part of your spe­cial event in some oth­er way. Take a look around and con­tact us with any ques­tions! Hope to hear from you soon.

- Bel­la, Lois and Ginger

Coffee Pot

The Looney Lutherans

com­mu­ni­ty cama­raderie health & harmony 
laugh­ter creamed soups & corn 

Web­site copy­right © 2014–2025, Looney Luther­ans. All rights reserved.  Pri­va­cy pol­i­cy.
Cre­at­ed by Gre­ta Grosch, with mate­r­i­al by Rob­bie Manci­na and Dori­an Chalmers.

Addi­tion­al con­tri­bu­tions by
Jen Maren, Kym Cham­bers, Ann Whit­ing, Pat­ty Math­ews and Tina North.

Looney logo and oth­er art­work by Dan­i­ca Chalmers.

Web­site ser­vices by Wind­ing Oak, LLC.